Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have to admit it hurts.

Well, I know this has been a topic on my blog before, but I need to dump it on here again. Yesterday I went in to visit Nana. As I approached her, she frowned at me and said, "Who are you?" Thinking it was her eyesight that was an issue, I put my face closer to hers and gave her my best, silly, happy Eileen face. Nope. She STILL didn't know who I was. When I said, "I'm Eileen, your daughter", she replied with, "you don't LOOK like my daughter." The thought crossed my mind that I didn't know how to look any MORE like me than I do.

My horrible ex-sister-in-law used to say, "the moment just pulls at your heartstrings." My kids and I used to laugh at comments like that and roll our eyes. But, literally, I thought I could feel a knife slip right into my heart. It was all I could do to get out one sentence, before I felt the tears forcing their way out of my matter how hard I tried to stop them. (Biting my tongue didn't help, but it sure hurt!) we went about our day, ignoring the fact that my Mother did not know me. That's a tough one.

1 comment:

WendyLestina said...

This is a lovely post, and I'd like permission to reprint it in our Grandbloggers section in GRAND magazine (magazine for grandparents of which I am the editor).