Friday, September 5, 2008

Tough day at the hospital today

Where did that sweet little old Nana go to today? Hum.....When I got there this morning at 10:15 she was furious! It took me about fifteen minutes to get her calmed down, and then I went out to talk to the nurses at the desk.

Apparently Nana ripped out her IV twice in the early morning. Then, when the nurses had left her room, she got up and walking out into the hallway and sat in one of the weight chairs. (I think she though she would catch the bus, as she's been talking about doing that for two days now!) She also got out of bed during the night, and walked over to her room mate's bed and was patting the covers asking where Arthur was. All in all, she was quite agitated!

I managed to humor her into calming down and for most of the day she was O.K. After "lunch", which consisted of clear liquids again, she started getting annoyed at me that I would not take her home. Finally, she told me I'd better go call Arthur and explain to him why were late! "He should be home from work by now", she said.

Finally, she fell asleep and had a nice nap. Doug came in early today, and I was so emotionally tired, I was very happy to hand over my shift to him!

Everyone pray that she's safe tonight, and doesn't do any walking around! If she fell, that would be awful! She'd be staying in the hospital a lot longer than she thinks!

I'm wiped out, and I'll be glad when we can get her back to Hebert's. All she cares about right now, is getting back to if we make that happen, she'll feel so much better!

There's a very definite possibility that she will get discharged tomorrow. We're supposed to get Hanna tomorrow, but the Ambulance drive is only about a 15 minute trip, so it shouldn't make too much difference.

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