Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finally it's Spring!

Well, it's finally Spring! The flowering trees are starting to bloom.......Daffodils are in full show, and yesterday I heard the first of the Spring Peepers! It was quite the symphony, that's for sure! I literally pulled my car off the road, and parked next to a swamp, just to listen to them! That, and a low-on-the-horizon full moon was just too much for me to bear!! I love Spring!!!

Today, I'll continue my spring cleaning in our gardens. There's much to do now, that's for sure! I'm always anxious to get the maintenance jobs done, so I can get to the really fun planting new perennials, and dividing the old ones! That's when you see the most progress in the garden. I've a few new tricks up my sleeve this year....things I planned up during the winter months. I hope they work, as funds are not as big as they have been in past years. Most springs, I've spent way more than my allotted allowance for flowers. I just can't seem to help myself. They little buggers call to me, as I walk about garden centers! "Choose me! Choose me!!!"

It takes a couple of years, to really get to know a garden. I still have some problem areas out front, where it's mostly dry, sandy, shady soil. That's a bad, and difficult area to plant. My plan this year, was to leave the leaves on the ground to help add organic matter, and some moisture retention. It looks kinda crappy, as though I forgot to clean it up.......but we'll see how that works! I'd love to plant some Hosta in there, but I'm not sure they would like all that dry soil. We'll see.

O.K. I guess I have work to do!

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