Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lost in life?

I guess I'm not a very faithful blogger! I can't believe so many days have gone by, since my last blog. I'd love to say that it's because I've been up to all sorts of exciting things, but alas, it's not true. Maybe all bloggers and writers go through non-creative, I-Just-Don't-feel-like-it-today, feelings, although it's not good to have ssoooooooooooooooo many.

Yesterday I drove 259 miles, in a horrible rain storm, to celebrate Susan's bridal shower. It's still odd to think about her getting married, after 50 years of her being very single. I sure hope she knows what she's getting herself into! Not that I have anything against marriage, mind you. Susan and I have been friend for 20 some odd years, and I can't tell you how many thousands (O.K., so maybe hundreds.....dozens? Oh stop!) of conversations we've had on the subject and she has given of reasons why she would never get married. I suppose with age she's softened on some of those, or at least I hope so, as she and George will be getting married in two weeks. Bless them both! The wedding should be lots of fun, as there will be some old friends of ours that I haven't seen in 15 years!

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