Friday, September 5, 2008

Update on Nana's hospital stay

Well, looks like Nana is out of the woods for the time being. She was much more alert yesterday, than she was the day before. I sat with her from 10a.m. to 6p.m., and she only fell asleep for a couple of brief moments, but it was a light sleep.....waking up at almost every page on the intercom, and every bell, buzzer and beeper sound. Her smile was back and she was quite talkative. We passed the hours by coming up with fantastic "schemes" to "save the world", or to at least "fix it". However, in the end, we decided that we would have to have a secretary taking notes, to be really effective, and we both agreed that we had "staffing issues", and "payroll shortages"! hehehehe. So, we gave up on THAT plan, and moved to our next favorite thing to do.....making up stories!

She still has the IV in, which she hardly notices. They are still giving her antibiotics, which, unfortunately are pouring right through her. She doesn't remember Hebert's. But I do think it's helping that I'm sitting next to her. At least there's one constant there. She asks me where she is about every five minutes. I'd hate to think what would go on in her mind if I wasn't there to tell her. Well, I can't think about that!

Hopefully, she had a good night, and I'll be back at the hospital mid morning to sit with her again today.

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