Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The day before Thanksgiving, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Hopefully those of you who are traveling today will stay safe, and have uneventful trips and arrive at your destinations not too frazzled.

Today is my day to cook the turkey and prepare a plan for transporting an entire Thanksgiving dinner to the nursing home. That should be quite the task, but I can do it. It'll just required a little ingenuity.

I'm sad and still in a panic that the house will be sold soon. I am so hoping the deal will somehow, magically, "fall through". I had not planned on it happening so soon. I kept hearing how sales are so slow, bla, bla, bla. I have NO PLAN as to where I'm going to live, etc, but guess I'd better figure it out quickly!

It's an awful feeling, and I so wished it could have happened in January, and not right before the holidays. As if the holidays are not stressful enough!!!

O.K. I'm off to the supermarket to buy the one thing I forgot......onions for the stuffing!

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