Saturday, August 23, 2008

Big day tomorrow, for everyone here.

Well, tomorrow will be a big day in our lives. Tomorrow Grampa moves into a nursing home, to be with Nana. It's what he wants to do, and although he's a little scared, he says it's the right thing for him. Mike is coming up with his trailer, to help move the furniture. He, and Doug will do it, and I hope that they both will come out of the deal intact, with no hurt backs! Fortunately, there's not a lot of furniture going, but we all know.....sometimes it's just moving the wrong way that can hurt. Having Mike here will also allow me to get three or four pieces of furniture out of my storage, and cancel that for good!
It will be the beginning of a new phase in my life. I'm excited to get on with my own life now! Of course, as usual, I don't have a good plan yet.....but I have some ideas. The hardest part will be seeing Nana and Grampa only once in a while, after being with them daily for a couple of years. I'll definitely have to keep the word "abandoning" out of my mind. My plan had been to be with them until their died, but that's not going to happen. I feel like a runner who did well in the race, but quit just before the finish line! I'll be about a two hour drive away, and Doug will be an hour's drive if there's an emergency. Well, I should say, WHEN.....not IF.
The hard core, serious packing will not start here until Monday, out of respect for Grampa. He's having a hard enough time now, I don't want to make it any harder for him. Let's put it this way, he had tears in his eyes when he said good bye to the mailman! Of course, granted.....the guy has always been super nice to Dad and they've spent a lot of time joking about baseball....but still.......who cries saying good bye to a mailman?
So wish us luck. It'll be a difficult couple of days up here.

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