Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hi Everyone, Well....we made progress in the "move-not-move" drama today. Doug and I sat down with Grampa and talked about it. Just when I think Grampa has definitely decided to do it, he turns to me and asks what I think, which makes me feel like he's not sure. I know it's a big.......scratch that.....HUGE move for him. Having been a pack rat his entire life, I suppose even the thought of giving away his possessions is hard for him. He had a dose of reality today, when he invited two stamp dealers over to hopefully sell his collection. Grampa has a way of thinking that everything that you hold onto for years, appreciates in value. Well, I guess for years he's been thinking his stamp collection was super valuable! They offered him $140 for all the books and loose stamps in boxes. He was furious, to put it mildly! He said he's rather BURN them, than sell them to THOSE THIEVES! So, anyone want a stamp collection? Seriously........anyone?
Other than that, I continue to thin out all the things that are just not worthy of being passed down through the generations. It looks like I might stay in the house for a few months, once Grampa moves into Hebert's. That move could possibly take place as soon as Hebert's tells us they have a double room, so Nana and Grampa can be together. On the other hand, it might be months before there's an opening. It'll take a while to empty the house. For the past two days, we've had one of the neighbors (a retired painter) painting the trim on the house. Boy, it looks super!!! Grampa told me the trim has never been painted here, so that means 16 years of no fresh paint! It's so white now, it's glowing!!!
Mike and Liz are going to be coming up sometime in the next month or so, to pick up my fouton, and some dishes, pots and pans, etc. I'll be sending some glass to Maureen for her collection, and some smaller things out to you Kate. If anyone has any special requests let me know.
There's a very good chance, after Grampa moves, that I will be trying to figure out how to move back to CT. I haven't made that decision yet. After having cared for both of my parents for the past two years.....CT is dangerously far away from them, if they needed me. I suspect I'd be a nervous wreck. It would cost me too much to live here alone, until they are both gone. I don't want to pay for all that oil this winter to keep this huge house warm!!!
As always......I will keep everyone posted.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

You can always give glass to Dad and he can drive it to Florida so you don't hae to pay for shipping. You just have to figure out how to get it to Dad. Maybe Mike and Liz can pick it up and then Dad can get it from them when he visits their house. What do you think>