Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First day blogging

Well, incase anyone is interrested.....the world turned just enough, and the sun set.....and my windows look perfectly clean now, even though I never did get out the Windex and cloth! That worked rather well. I have to remind myself, now, to not open the blinds all the way tomorrow!

My trip to the doctor's office was pleasant and uneventful.....just enough for him to re-write my prescription for my anti-depressants....which by the way, for you non-believers.....I really do need being locked up every day, seven days a week here at "my job". My brother has been so busy all month, that he's not been able, to cover for me, so I could have a day off. I think my last day off was when I visited Amy in CT, and we went to the casino and the spa. When was that, AMy? November? The beginning of December? Time gets all screwed up when you happen to work where you live. There's no real way to tell what day it is! Wednesdays are easy because it's trash day, and I can see my neighbors' trash cans lined up along the street! Too bad there can't be clues as to the other six days a week......maybe a series of colored flags. On second though, that might get way too confusing. I'll have to work on this one.


Kate B said...

What, you can't tell by what you're eating? Monday is pasta night.... Friday, fish...


eps said...

Oh, I didn't think about that. That would not work here, because we have Chicken Stir-fry four times a week, so how would THAT WORK?