Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Leaving on a jet plane........

Well, tomorrow is our big day! Oh, how I HATE to fly!!! But, I'll be fine! I have everything I need for my trip. Not absolutely sure I've packed the right clothes, as I hear you've had a lot of rain out there. When I was there in September, it was chilly. Well, I'll be sure to pack sneakers along with my awesome flip-flops!!!
Besides, I'm looking forward to spending comfy time on the couch with little miss Mina!!! Oh, I know what I almost forgot!!! I need to look at a couple of my favorite cookbooks tonight, just in case I'm expected to contribute some food to the Super Bowl party on Sunday! GO PATS!!!

1 comment:

Kate B said...

Go PATS indeed! Actually, I couldn't really care less, but since I'm FROM New England...

It's been about high of 60-62 here and down to maybe 45 overnight. Breezy, cool, sunny. Definitely bring sneakers and maybe a sweater or jacket.