Saturday, January 19, 2008

Who knew it would be so hard.

Who knew it would be so hard to clean out a desk. Hum. I just finished sorting through all of the things in my Mother's long beloved desk. Some of the things, I swear, have been there since I was a kid. Events in my childhood were discussed at this desk. Letters were shared, jewelry was repaired, lectures were given....the desk has always been in my life. Years ago, my Mother insisted that my Father paint the desk. Up until then, it was a warm and beautiful brown wood. She claimed it looked "old", and the new paint would make it look new again. Basically, what it looked like was an old painted desk, but "no matter", as the old timers used to say.

Who knew it would be so hard to sort through old letters and cards from long lost cousins, Aunts and Uncles. Who knew finding prayer cards from my brother Don's funeral in every drawer would be so hard. Paper clips, religious cards, favorite rulers, address books, note papers, saved stamps.....all normal stuff for a desk.

Who knew it would be so hard to read my Mother's very last hand written words, scribbled on a piece of scrap paper, in shaky writing totally unlike my Mother's always beautiful penmanship. She wrote my father's name twice....then attempted to write down his home phone number, but got it wrong. Underneath that, she wrote "Message to be relayed. Arthur, pick me up tomorrow and bring money. $5000.00 is good."

This was the last thing my Mother was ever able to write. When she first moved to Epoch, she was constantly writing down my father's name and phone number and desperately trying to get staff members to call him, and have him come and get her. All she ever wanted, was to be with him. Who knew this would be so hard.

Well, my Mother can't write anymore. The best I can do, is drive my Father over to visit her every afternoon, and so for two hours out of every day, they are both happy and content, holding hands and kissing like young lovers. They have been in love for a little over 70 years, and it doesn't show any signs of letting up!

Who knew it would be so hard.....

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