Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, this morning I met my friend Fofana down in East Providence, for coffee. It was nice to see her and be able to sit and talk for a couple of hours. When I was getting ready to leave, she went to her car and came back with a gift for me. It was a "skirt" from Africa, where she is from. It's this really huge piece of brightly colored fabric, with two ties coming off of both of the top corners. When I thanked her and then said, "I don't know how to put it on...." she laughed and said, "Hold it in your hands, and then just spin...there's lots of different ways to wear it." This afternoon, I brought it with me on my visit to see my mother in the nursing home. She got the biggest kick out of it, and my demonstration of how I assumed it was worn. I did drape it over my Mom's legs, while she was sitting in the chair, and she seemed quite amused by all the color. Considering she is now classified as "legally blind", I suspect she could see the colors fairly well, as she sure liked it!

Who knew so much spinning took practice, but I plan on perfecting my spinning, and I'll wear it at home, and maybe out when the weather is warmer.

Sad news today is that my cousin's wife died. She had been sick for years, suffering from a lung condition as a result of years of smoking. She gasped for every breath she took for the past few years, and had to wear an Oxygen tank 24/7. If any of you out there are still smoking, I just want you to know that's pretty much WHERE you are going. It's a long, and horrible way to die. STOP SMOKING! If you don't want to do it for yourselves, do it for your future children.

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